Best partner of the specialized trade
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Weicon awarded
Weicon, the Muenster-based manufacturer of adhesives and sealants, has been named one of the best partners of the specialist technical trade by the PVH. In the category "Chemical Products", the family-owned company took 1st place. The PVH is the Federal Association of the Production Connection Trade, to which many technical dealers belong who also work closely with the Muenster-based company. The PVH awards the prize in cooperation with the Tools Working Group (AKW) of the Central Association of the Hardware Trade.
Partners of the PVH
For the 21st time, the two organisations called on specialist dealers in Germany at the beginning of the year to choose their best industry partners from the past twelve months. The partners were selected from the areas of precision tools, hand tools, measuring tools, factory equipment, fastening technology, industrial safety and chemical products. The manufacturers were evaluated in these categories with regard to their loyalty to the specialised trade, their support in sales, their behaviour in the event of complaints, their product innovations and their data and digitalisation quality.
2nd place out of 121
A total of around 1,500 specialist retailers in Germany were called upon to cast their vote. The dealers rated 121 manufacturers of technical products in the survey. Weicon came in second in this ranking with an average rating of 1.77, making it one of the two best suppliers to the specialist trade.
"We are very pleased that we were even able to improve on our second place from last year and have now been named the best partner of the specialist trade. The award is based on a survey of specialist retailers, some of whom we have been working with successfully for many years. The very positive assessment of our performance is a nice confirmation of our work. However, we will by no means rest on our laurels. The 1st place is rather an incentive for us to further optimise our service in the future and to remain the best partner of the specialised trade", says Patrick Neuhaus, Head of Sales in the D-A-CH region at Weicon, who accepted the prize, which was awarded virtually for the first time this year.
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