Weicon supports mental health
Digital offer for employees
Muenster, July 12th, 2022 – “We want our
employees to feel good”. When employers are competing for the favour of coveted
skilled staff, this phrase is often used. But the Muenster-based family
business Weicon now shows that some companies actually take the phrase to heart.
Weicon now offers its employees support for mental health at work via a digital
Mental stress in the workplace is very
According to the Federal Ministry of Health, around 15 percent of all sick leave days are taken due to mental illness. At the same time, a study conducted in Germany in 2021 by the social network LinkedIn on how to deal with mental stress in the workplace states: Many employees are affected by mental stress, but shy away from talking about it at work.
The Muenster-based adhesives manufacturer Weicon wants to change that and has therefore recently started working with a platform for improving mental health in the workplace.
The digital options at Weicon
Weicon's managing director Ann-Katrin Weidling got the offer rolling: “We have always put great emphasis on the physical health of our team, for example through our company-own physiotherapy practice or offering free fitness classes. But mental health – especially in today’s challenging times of covid, war and climate crisis – is also important and should not be a taboo subject. As an employer, we want to help increase the mental well-being of our employees.”
The digital offer includes support from qualified psychologists and coaches – for example as group workshops on building self-esteem, audio exercises for stress management, or one-one-one sessions on any personal concerns. The most important thing: The use of the platform is completely anonymous at all times.
Start-up based in Berlin
Behind the digital platform stands a Berlin-based start-up called Likeminded, the co-founder of which, Kimberly Breuer, also has her roots in Muenster. She and the Weicon managing director know each other from their school days. The common goal of the two young entrepreneurs is to provide easy and individual access to mental well-being in the workplace.
Ann-Katrin Weidling hopes that her employees will use the new offer without hesitation and that in the future, more and more companies will place emphasis on the topic of mental health.
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